Nueva Biblia de las Américas (NBLA) Read it. Live it.

The Nueva Biblia de las Américas (NBLA) is an accurate and faithful translation of the inspired Word of God from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek languages into Spanish. The NBLA uses the same formal equivalence translation philosophy as La Biblia de las Américas, which means that it’s translated as literally and word-for-word as possible from the original languages. The NBLA uses understandable modern Spanish common in Latin America to clearly communicate the accurate and precise meaning of the original texts to the reader.
The NBLA has been produced with the conviction that the words of Scripture, as originally penned in the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, are inspired by God. Therefore every word must be accurate and precise so that they can be read with confidence. Since they are the living and eternal Word of God, the Holy Scriptures must speak clearly with fresh power to each generation, to give wisdom that leads to salvation so that all people may serve Christ for the glory of God.
The NBLA uses a familiar and modern style of Spanish spoken in Latin America, as compared to the more traditional Castilian form used in the LBLA. For example, the NBLA uses the personal pronoun “ustedes” rather than “vosotros”, the possessive pronouns “su/suyo/suya” rather than “vuestro”, and it uses the personal pronoun second person “los, les, se” rather than “os”.
New and frequent Bible readers will enjoy the NBLA because it uses a refreshing, but not diluted Spanish, giving it an elegant reading style. It replaces the “he aquí” with “miren” and eliminates it in some instances. The text does not include excessive use of “y” and it reduces the use of “sucedió que o sucedió” and “aconteció que”.
Careful attention was given to make the NBLA grammatically up-to-date according to the “Real Academia de la Lengua Española”.
The Spanish used in the NBLA makes reading the Bible a pleasant and enjoyable experience, and it is a translation to trust and rely on for in-depth study and teaching.
Translation Philosophy
The Nueva Biblia de las Américas (NBLA) is produced following the same word-for-word formal equivalence principles of translation as La Biblia de las Américas (LBLA) and the New American Standard Bible (NASB). This means Nueva Biblia de las Américas is a faithful Spanish translation of the Scriptures, as they were originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
The NBLA uses Spanish familiar to readers in Latin America and the United States of America. It is written in today’s language with contemporary words and phrases to make reading and understanding easier. The pronoun, ‘ustedes’, with its corresponding verbs, has been used in place of ‘vosotros’. The formal pronoun ‘usted’ has been used in those instances when a person is addressing someone superior.
The Nueva Biblia de las Américas is based on La Biblia de las Américas, which was the first major Spanish translation project by The Lockman Foundation. La Biblia de las Américas was translated by twenty-two translators and consultants who worked for fifteen years translating from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts into Spanish.
Since they are the eternal Word of God, the Holy Scriptures must speak with fresh power to each generation, to give wisdom that leads to salvation so that men and women may serve Christ for the glory of God. The NBLA has been made with the conviction that the Word of God be presented in such a way that aids every reader in their study and understanding of God’s Word, whether they are well-versed in the Bible or just beginning to walk in the ways of the Lord.
You can read the NBLA and LBLA, it’s Castilian Spanish language counterpart, with confidence knowing that they are accurate translations with which to conduct a personal journey through the Word of God.
The Hebrew text used was Rudolf Kittel’s BIBLIA HEBRAICA together with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Greek text used with consideration to the latest available manuscripts and research, in most instances, is the 27th edition of Eberhard Nestle’s NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRAECE.
NBLA Translators
Dr. Ismael Amaya
Dr. Israel Carmona
Rev. Herbert Cassel
Rev. H. O. Espinoza
Dr. Osvaldo García
Rev. Eduardo Hernández
Dr. Carlos Madrigal
Dr. Jesse Miranda
Dr. Enrique Tolopilo
Rev. Felipe Train
Dr. Duane Wetzler
Dr. Enrique Zone
Translators’ Collaborators
Dr. José Arrequín
Mrs. Becky Brown
Dr. Antonio Serrano
Rev. Otto de la Torre
Old Testament Consultant
Dr. Frank García
New Testament Consultant
Dr. Moisés Silva
Critical Readers
Dr. Américo Castro
Rev. María Luisa Falber
Mrs. Antonia Martínez
Rev. Samuel Molina
Dr. Steve Pallady
Dr. José A. Reyes
Dra. Rosa Reyes
Dra. Joanna Roldán
Mrs. Helen Sands
Rev. Antonio Tolopilo
NBLA Translators
Rev. Eduardo Hernández
Dr. Osvaldo García
Dr. Duane Wetzler